About Us

We Are Deep Stage Tuning & Performance

Voiding Warranties since 2015

Deep Stage Tuning & Performance is a veteran owned, small business located in Norman, OK.

A Place You Can Trust

We know that the auto industry has a reputation of overcharging and up-selling unneeded parts and services. To ensure we’re a place you can trust, we operate with complete transparency. All of our prices are competitive, and our services are broken down by action, so you know where your money is going. Our goal is to build a relationship spanning the life of your car.

Parts Experts

Our staff is put through testing when they join the team. Not only can they rebuild an engine, but they can also name every part on a vehicle. They also have continuing education to keep up with new vehicles and changing parts. Knowledge is necessary to deliver quality customer service.

Fast Turnaround

We know when you order a part, you want it NOW. We get the process moving within 48 business hours of your purchase confirmation.

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